Edited by Maychin Lee, Krystle, Nicole Willson, Denis Camargo and 40 others

I'll hold it for you, but I am not going to drink it!
I'll hold it for you, but I am not going to drink it!
There are many common foods on the human table that are deadly for dogs. It is vital to know about them to avoid causing severe or fatal illness in your loyal canine companion.


  1. 1
    Understand that even though a certain food is non-toxic to you, this does not mean that the food is non-toxic to your dog. Certain foods that cause no harm to humans can be lethal to canines.
  2. 2
    Familiarize yourself with the top human food culprits:

    • Chocolate  contains theobromine (a methylxanthine derivative).
      Chocolate contains theobromine (a methylxanthine derivative).
      Chocolate contains theobromine (a methylxanthine derivative). It can cause a dog to vomit, have diarrhea, pant excessively, urinate frequently, develop a great thirst, have seizures, show hyperactivity, get an abnormal heart beat and possibly die. The negative effects depend on the dosage, the size of the dog, and the type of chocolate. The most dangerous types of chocolate are dark chocolate, baker's chocolate and cocoa powder. White chocolate is not dangerous, though the fat and sugar content is not good for your dog. [1]
    • Caffeine/Coffee warrant the same precautions as for chocolate.
      Caffeine/Coffee warrant the same precautions as for chocolate.
      Caffeine/Coffee warrant the same precautions as for chocolate. Caffeine, like theobromine, is a methylxanthine derivative with similar effects on dogs.
    • Alcohol Beer, liquor, wine, foods containing alcohol – can kill your dog.
      Alcohol Beer, liquor, wine, foods containing alcohol – can kill your dog.
      Alcohol Beer, liquor, wine, foods containing alcohol – can kill your dog. Alcohol is a depressant and slows down the functioning of a dog's liver and brain the same as it does to humans. The smaller the dog, the greater the effect.dogs are much smaller and are more susceptible to intoxication. It takes far less alcohol to damage a dog’s vital organs. Just a small amount of alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma, and even death.
    • Onions, garlic and chives in all forms (dry, raw, cooked) contain thiosulphate, which can irritate the gastrointestinal system of your dog.
      Onions, garlic and chives in all forms (dry, raw, cooked) contain thiosulphate, which can irritate the gastrointestinal system of your dog.
      Onions, garlic and chives in all forms (dry, raw, cooked) contain thiosulphate, which can irritate the gastrointestinal system of your dog. A relatively high dosage (600-800 grams) in one meal or spread apart over a few days can damage red blood cells (haemolytic anaemia)[2].
    • Macadamia Nuts (both raw and roasted, as well as macadamia butter) contain an unknown toxin that can cause locomotory difficulties: weakness, panting, tremors and swollen limbs.
      Macadamia Nuts (both raw and roasted, as well as macadamia butter) contain an unknown toxin that can cause locomotory difficulties: weakness, panting, tremors and swollen limbs.
      Macadamia Nuts (both raw and roasted, as well as macadamia butter) contain an unknown toxin that can cause locomotory difficulties: weakness, panting, tremors and swollen limbs. [3]. Commonly in cookies, so be careful what you feed your dog.
    • Grapes and Raisins - can lead to kidney failure.
      Grapes and Raisins - can lead to kidney failure.
      Grapes and Raisins - can lead to kidney failure. [4] As yet, it is not known what substance in grapes causes this. Be careful, as raisins are often in cake and cookies.
    • Avocado - the substance Persin can cause vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes heart congestion.
      Avocado - the substance Persin can cause vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes heart congestion.
      Avocado - the substance Persin can cause vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes heart congestion.
    • Yeast dough - this refers to the dough prior to cooking.
      Yeast dough - this refers to the dough prior to cooking.
      Yeast dough - this refers to the dough prior to cooking. The yeast can continue to rise in the dog's stomach and cause painful bloating, gas and even rupture of the intestines or stomach.
    • Raw or undercooked meat and eggs - While there is controversy surrounding the role of raw meat in a dog's diet, studies have shown that raw meat has a higher likelihood of harboring harmful bacteria than cooked or prepared dog food.
      Raw or undercooked meat and eggs - While there is controversy surrounding the role of raw meat in a dog's diet, studies have shown that raw meat has a higher likelihood of harboring harmful bacteria than cooked or prepared dog food.
      Raw or undercooked meat and eggs - While there is controversy surrounding the role of raw meat in a dog's diet, studies have shown that raw meat has a higher likelihood of harboring harmful bacteria than cooked or prepared dog food.[5] As with humans, care needs to be taken in handling raw meat and eggs to avoid the possibility of contamination with Salmonella bacteria and E. coli. Raw eggs contain an enzyme (avidin) that can lead to skin and coat problems for a dog.
    • Milk - owing to the lack of lactase, consumption may lead to bloating, gas, diarrhea and other digestive upsets.
      Milk - owing to the lack of lactase, consumption may lead to bloating, gas, diarrhea and other digestive upsets.
      Milk - owing to the lack of lactase, consumption may lead to bloating, gas, diarrhea and other digestive upsets.
    • Xylitol - this can lead to liver failure through the over-release of insulin, vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination.
      Xylitol - this can lead to liver failure through the over-release of insulin, vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination.
      Xylitol - this can lead to liver failure through the over-release of insulin, vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination. It does not take long to see signs of nearing liver failure - only a few days. Be very careful as this substance is found in a wide range of products, such as candy, chewing gum, toothpaste and baked goods.[6]
    • Bones can cause choking, or they can break apart into jagged pieces that become lodged in the digestive tract.
      Bones can cause choking, or they can break apart into jagged pieces that become lodged in the digestive tract.
      Bones can cause choking, or they can break apart into jagged pieces that become lodged in the digestive tract. Look for sturdy marrow bones that are less likely to splinter or nylon bones that wear down slowly [7].
    • Corn on the cob is one of the most common ways a dog can get a blocked intestine.
      Corn on the cob is one of the most common ways a dog can get a blocked intestine.
      Corn on the cob is one of the most common ways a dog can get a blocked intestine. The dog bites of a piece of the cob one inch long and swallows it. The corn is digested off the cob in the tummy and the cob is left to block the small intestine and feels like a brillo pad trying to scrape it's way down the digestive track. This is seen in vet offices often and can kill the dog if not removed surgically.[8]
    • Salmon and trout frequently have a parasite that cooking does not kill. It is fine for humans but can harm dogs.
    • Ham is bad and can easily be fatal for certain breeds (eg terriers), but should not be given to any dog. Ham bones are similar.
  3. 3
    Chicken bones can get lodged into the roof of the mouth
  4. 4
    Check the food you are sharing carefully. Many of these ingredients are tucked away in cookies, bread, cake, preserves and other processed foods. It is really important to be aware of what you are feeding your canine companion so that you can avoid these problem foods.
  5. 5
    Ensure that your dog eats a healthy and balanced diet. Read up on the appropriate foods for your dog type and make regular vet visits to ensure that your dog is in top shape.
  6. 6
    Minimize snacks from the human table.
    Minimize snacks from the human table.
    Minimize snacks from the human table. It encourages poor manners from both the dog and the human and it blurs the line between what is good food for the animal and what is not. Start out right and keep it right.
  7. 7
    Contact your vet immediately if you see any signs of weakness, poisoning, lack of coordination, lethargy, frothing or any other unusual behavior after consuming any of these foods. Delay can be fatal so do not hesitate.
  8. 8
    Who knows what is inside that can?
    Who knows what is inside that can?
    Don't let your dog eat garbage. This could infect or poison your dog.

  • Show children this list and teach them early what they can and cannot feed their dog(s).
  • If in doubt of whether or not a certain type of food is okay for a dog, don't feed it. You're better off saving your a dog an emergency trip to the vet.
  • Cooked bread is okay in very small amounts.
  • Be very careful when taking medication. If you drop one on the floor make sure you get it before your animals do. Look for small items and pills that have fallen to the floor, in the couch cushions, and other places when you get a pet that will have "roaming privileges" in the house.
  • Prepare food for the dog ahead of time and train them to eat dog food. Many dog training classes offered at places like Petsmart will offer potty training and this training for around $15.00 in the beginning class.
  • Many natural dog food supplements boast garlic as a natural flea preventative.
  • If your dog begs at the table just ignore them ad they will slowly walk away or go lay down. You ma give them a little bit of food and then tell them to go lay down
  • Too much of nearly anything will cause pets to vomit.
  • Always place table scraps and other garbage in a secure container, where the dog can't get to it.
  • Never allow your dog to eat food or treats he finds on the ground in public.
  • Be aware that just because you may have fed the dog once on a bad food that this does not mean the dog can consume it. Some foods have a cumulative effect and the dosage can be key to whether or not there is a fatal or severe reaction.
  • Take your dog to the vet immediately if it shows any signs of poisoning or any of the symptoms described above following consumption of any of these foods.
  • Dogs are not wild animals. Most of the breeds that are kept as pets are domesticated, meaning that they were bred to be kept under human care and supervision. While domesticated dogs can survive ferally on a wild diet, dogs on a controlled diet are likely to lead longer, healthier lives.
 Sources and Citations


Nutrition and Feeding Dogs
You need to take care of your dog with proper dog nutrition and feeding. They say 'we are what we eat,' and if it is true for us, it is also true for our dogs. Knowing how to select a good dog food, how much and when to feed, and how we can control or prevent certain diseases through diet will help our dogs live longer and healthier lives.  
Dog Food Ingredients & Nutrition


Special Diets for Various Conditions

Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements

Weight Loss

Nutrition & Feeding
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport Stoneware Feeders
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport Stoneware Feeders 
As low as $11.99
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport Elevated Slow Down Feeder
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport Elevated Slow Down Feeder
As low as $19.99
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport  Ceramic Waterer
Drs. Foster & Smith Bridgeport Ceramic Waterer
As low as $46.89
Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Fountain
Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Fountain
As low as $29.99

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